A Portrait of Lord Shree Krishna in Performance

Sanskrit Terms Relating to ‘actor’

In case there are any doubts Rupa Goswami didn’t intend his Sanskrit drama, Vidagdha Madhava, aka, A Portrait of Lord Shree Krishna, (translated into English by Arjundas Adhikari) to be staged, I would like to share a compilation of Sanskrit terms relating to dramaturgy. The list goes to show what a developed and popular performance art Sanskrit drama has been. The subject matter of Rupa Goswami’s A Portrait of Lord Shree Krishna, is common to many of these dramas, demonstrating the enduringly popular nature of Krishna-following in India over time. To begin with follow some of the Sanskrit terms indicative of, or expressive of the word ‘actor’ :-

  • anu-kartri – an imitator, actor
  • akshiptika – song sung by actor approaching stage
  • abhra-phullaka – actor
  • ardha-maanava – actor dressed like Krishna
  • ardha-maanusha – actor dressed like a god
  • udghatyaka – abrupt interruption in the prologue of a drama
  • eka-nata – principal actor in a drama, or reciter of prologue
  • kathaka – chief actor
  • katha-prana – introducer of a drama
  • kalahala-kandala – name given an actor
  • kushilava – an actor or bard
  • krishashva – an author of directions to players
  • krishashvini – a dancer or actor
  • keli-kosha – a dancer or actor, lit. ‘receptacle of amusement.’
  • kaushilava – the profession of an actor or dancer
  • gishnu – an actor
  • geshnu – professional actor
  • gunarama – name given to an actor, lit. ‘pleasure grove of good qualities.’
  • ghatana – actor
  • charana – a wandering actor or singer
  • charana-dara – wandering actors’ wives
  • charanaika-maya – inhabited only by wandering actors
  • dharmi-putra – an actor, player
  • darshaka – an actor
  • dhaatri-putra – an actor
  • nata – actor
  • nataka – an actor
  • natacarya – an actor’s performance
  • nataka-melaka – a company of actors
  • namata – actor
  • nartaka – actor
  • naatya – costume of an actor
  • naatya-dhara – costume of an actor
  • nepathya – costume of an actor
  • panchajanina – an actor
  • paatra – an actor’s part in a play
  • paatra-varga – company of actors
  • parshvastha – an actor in the prelude of a drama
  • pitambara – an actor
  • paripatram – by every actor
  • prayuj-yoktri – an actor
  • prayogin – an actor
  • prahaas – an actor
  • bhadra – name given an actor
  • bharata – an actor
  • bharata-putra – an actor
  • bharata-vakya – epilogue of a drama
  • bhavananda – name given an actor
  • bharati – the Sanskrit speech of an actor
  • bhaavata – an actor
  • bhumi – the part played by an actor
  • bhumika – an actor’s part
  • bhroo-kunsa – a male actor in female attire
  • mandayanta – an actor, lit. ‘an ornament.’
  • maha-nata – great actor
  • marisha – principal actor
  • raksha-pekshaka – actor
  • ranga-cara – actor, lit. ‘stage-goer.’
  • ranga-jivaka – actor, lit. ‘living by the stage.’
  • ranga-taranga – name of an actor
  • ranga-mangala – name of an actor
  • ranga-jiva – an actor, lit. ‘living by the stage.’
  • rangavatarana – profession of an actor, lit. ‘entering on the stage.’
  • rangopamardin – actor who dresses as Ravana, lit. ‘injuring the stage.’
  • lashva – an actor
  • laasaka – an actor
  • layarambha – an actor, lit. ‘moving according to time.’
  • varnaka – the dress of an actor
  • vasantika – the buffoon in a drama
  • vishkambha – an interlude between acts performed by an inferior actor, or actors, who explain to the audience the progress of the plot
  • vikshya – actor
  • vira – an actor
  • veshya – masked (as an actor)
  • vaihaasika – a comic actor
  • shailaalin – actor
  • shailaali-yuvan – young actor
  • shailoosha – an actor
  • shailooshaka – inhabited by actors
  • shobhanika – a kind of actor
  • sarva-keshin – actor, lit. ‘having all kinds of head-dress.’
  • sarva-veshin – actor, lit. ‘having all dresses.’
  • soo-danta – actor, lit. ‘having handsome teeth.’
  • soochaka – chief actor of a company
  • sootra-dhaar – principal actor who superintends the whole performance
  • sthaan – the character of an actor

Arjundas Adhikari

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